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Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong

Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong

Please share your thoughts after reading this article! It’s enlightening and disturbing. The amount of shaming that people with larger bodies face is cruel and unwarranted. Two facts that this author points out are that: 1. diets don’t work, and 2. weight isn’t a direct indicator of health. Yes, ideally we ALL practice healthy behaviors but larger bodies are unfairly targeted, shamed and blamed, often by their doctors. Read this article to learn more.  

“Paradoxically, as the number of larger Americans has risen, the biases against them have become more severe. More than 40 percent of Americans classified as obese now say they experience stigma on a daily basis, a rate far higher than any other minority group. And this does terrible things to their bodies. According to a 2015 study, overweight people who feel discriminated against have shorter life expectancies than overweight people who don’t. ‘These findings suggest the possibility that the stigma associated with being overweight,’ the study concluded, ‘is more harmful than actually being overweight.’”